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Leaving the Old Man Behind

A New Journey of Change

Do you know what it means to change your life?

Changing your life is acquiring new habits, being open to learning new things, or seeking a new lifestyle, reviewing your values, rules and commitments.

Acquiring new habits, being open to learning new things, or seeking a new lifestyle, reviewing values, rules, beliefs and commitments.

Leaving behind old habits, everything that no longer makes sense in our lives.

I invite you to remember a passage from Jesus with Nicodemus:

Nicodemos, era um fariseu, era também um príncipe dos judeus.

By his respectful way of addressing Jesus, he was revealing his own righteousness, which led him to wonder if he couldn't find a light to illuminate his own life.

In the Bible, in John chapter 3: Verses 1-21, Jesus tells Nicodemus that in order to see the Kingdom of God, one must be born again.

At first, Nicodemus doesn't understand.

What is being born again?

Being born again means the chance to start life all over again, new chances, new opportunities.

You might think: that's all there is to it, after all, that's how it's been so far. But it's always time to find new paths and develop new skills.

As Drummond de Andrade said: There's a stone on the way, there's a stone on the way... (work, relationships, families)

And the Roman soldier Solo, who at the time of his death said: Even death is a learning experience!

It's important to know how to deal with and assimilate change, and this happens through awareness.

Sometimes, our mind can affect our body; and the body doesn't feel well and affects our emotions, which don't feel well either, and so it reverberates ...

Body, mind and heart are always bringing us some message, which we can listen to and put into practice for our well-being in an integral way.

There are many processes of human development.

-Biological development- This refers to our body, where the brain is one of the main organs of the human body and is responsible for generating all the individual's behaviors.

Think about it with me:

How well do we take care of our bodies, our health?

Do you have an annual check-up?

When visited by a symptom or illness:

Do you make illness your teacher?

What does it want to show you?

Or neglect, putting it off, preferring not to see them, not giving them due attention and sometimes falling seriously ill.

How are we ageing?

Do you eat a healthy diet, get quality sleep and avoid a sedentary lifestyle by going for walks, exercising and respecting your rest and leisure time?

You need to take care not only of your physical health, but also of your mental and emotional health. Trying to enjoy a balanced quality of life.

What about psychological development?

How much attention do you pay to your emotions and feelings?

I think we need to stop looking outwards and start looking inwards.

I'm talking about self-knowledge.

It's necessary to wake up, taking on the commitment and responsibility for the results you have in your life.

Relating to your shadows.

Example: Sometimes I project other things that are mine ....

And so bringing it into the light of understanding, of awareness. Strengthening our ego in a positive way.

- And on the Social side - I ask:

How are your relationships with your family, with your friends, at work?

With affections and even disaffection?

Have you been willing to respect your limits and the limits of others?

Example: When the relationship is satisfactory, we can get close and enjoy the company. When it's not satisfactory, we can walk away in peace!

-And on the technological side - This is considered by many to be the pinnacle of human development, but I'd like to think about it with you.

We realize that man builds and man destroys, we are witnessing this process. Wars, power technology and so on.

-Example: Excessive use of technology brings discomfort, for example: it can impair social development (isolation), cognitive imbalance, triggering anxiety and thus potentiating attention disorders, obsessive disorders, this is often observed in adolescents.

Without denying the positive side of technology in the fields of medicine, psychology and science in general.

- And what about the ecological aspect - This is when man begins to see himself as part of something bigger, to take a closer look at nature, where he understands that he is part of the whole, they can then acquire a new awareness and everything can start to change.

development - The Spiritual -

I believe that all the stages have meaning and leave us with lessons for spiritual development.

We need to incorporate all these learnings from each stage of life: bio psycho social technological ecological IN A CONSCIOUS AND BALANCED WAY and in my view this is the path to self-realization, through self-knowledge.

-It is to set out on the path of totality, being an observer of oneself, realizing Jesus' maxim: "I am in the world, but I am not of the world".

And in this gaze, in this new awareness, man is capable of bringing about the change he desires, because it's clear that our existence has an expiration date and within that period, I ask you:

How much are we striving for self-knowledge and self-fulfillment?

How much are we practicing self-observation for the path that leads to the transformation of our lives?

-We need to observe the situations and circumstances of life and not let ourselves be led by them.

-Excessive attachment, possession, overvaluing HAVING to the exclusion of the importance of BEING.

-It's worth pointing out that I'm not saying that having has no value, but I'm referring here to the importance of BEING.

Making our life a school for learning, acquiring new knowledge, awakening to new perceptions, as I said last live, according to BRUCE LIPTON that when we open ourselves to new perceptions, a biochemical change occurs in our body in a scientifically proven cellular process. As a contribution, I leave you with the book by

Bruce Lipton, a scientist and renowned American biologist, in his book BIOLOGY OF BELIEFS - The author talks about the effects that beliefs have on our body and mind. When talking about belief, he mentions religiosity and the power that faith exerts on the human body.

He also talks about limiting and negative beliefs and the equal effect these beliefs have on us.

For Jung, the process of individuation is fundamental to understanding what we are:



AND WHAT WE CAN BE (become), because it consists of our self-perception, our I Am, our inner self that is not affected by time, because it is timeless, and can be considered the synthesis of our totality. Transcendence!



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Núcleo de Desenvolvimento Regina Nohra, Ltda.
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